
Showing posts from 2019

27 Ramadhan 1440H

Blurry but this is the best photo that I have of the kids and myself today. And today is also a very special day because..... 🙂 Ramadhan coming to a close and so far we have enjoyed our 1 week plus of holiday. Another week to go. Kids seem to like Seremban very much and I got lots of break because they don't need as much attention. I feel very well rested because it's much cooler here than our house in Gayang. Kids are ran down with some kind of skin allergy but nothing too serious. It's very nice here. I wish we could go back here more often.

To be the bigger person

I find it to be such a challenge. That is, to be the bigger person. When your heart aches and your world yanked out from beneath your feet, it is hard to be generous. I miss the girl I was. I was always unbending and relentlessly righteous. No qualms about doing what's right, even at the cost of a great personal sacrifice on my part. Years ago, I lost something. Afterwards, it came back. There's a saying about letting go of something and it coming back means it's destined for you. How about when it's wrenched away again. I want to be the bigger person. Someone who turns the other cheek. It's just that I haven't been tough on myself for a while. I need the practice for whatever it is that's to come. If anyone is reading this, please pray for me. Pray that I have the wisdom to see things as it is and the strength to do the right things.