
Showing posts from 2020

Another Ramadan is here (1441H)

I almost couldn’t believe it when I saw that the last time I updated this blog was last Ramadan. Now another Ramadan is here. The past year has been quite tumultuous but things are much more peaceful and calm right now, at least for me. As I am writing this, it is the fourth day of the Phase 4 Movement Control Order imposed on Malaysians to control the spread of Covid 19. I have been spending the MCO days in Perlis. We got here a day before Phase 1 MCO began and decided to stay here until the end of the MCO. Little did we know that the MCO would be extended until the 4th phase, totalling 8 weeks in all. Why didn’t we go back? The first phase of the MCO, things were quite chaotic. We failed to get refunds for our flight tickets. We were meant to travel back to KK right after the midterm school holiday ends. We’ve got friends who experienced the same thing and tried to get new tickets. Those who managed to purchase tickets experienced multiple delays (days) and that deterred me f