Pantai Rangbulan trip

There is no excuse other than absent mindedness and poor planning for not updating this blog. A lot of things have happened at work and at home, maybe I will share at some other time.

Today, I am writing about Pantai Rangbulan, a private beach near the Usukan Cove in Kota Belud, Sabah. I have been there a few times but this is the first time we spent the night.

It's a very quaint place, maintained and operated by a family that owns the land. 

Evening walk along the beach.

The owner is a very hands-on kind of guy. He took my cousin & my brother to snorkel. Snorkelling sites are marked. You could alao rent a kayak or go for a ride on a banana boat. 

I was seated on the beach and you can see our lodging from here.

This is our room. My aunt chose this place because its the only one with ensuite bathroom. Other lodgings have their bathroom located outside. 

This is the view from our door. Go down the steps and the beach is literally at your doorstep.

I read under a tree while the kids dig and play in the sand. 

We had a really good time enjoying the beach. The place is relatively untouched and the locals are friendly. I think that I am very fortunate to have seen and been here to enjoy the beauty of the beach. I wonder what it would be like for my children, in the future. Will they get to take their kids to a beach? Will there even be a beach in the future? Would beaches be accessible to the common people?

I didn't mean to end this post in such a melancholic note. I meant to say, find the opportunity to take your kids (and yourself) to a place that you can enjoy nature. In the future, things could be very different for them. So, seize the day and have fun at a beach 😊


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