Diaries and journals

I wonder if people still kept diaries and journals today. I noticed that for some people their facebook status and posts has become their diary, the only difference being that their thoughts are shared with the public or their friends.

I used to be someone who keeps diaries and journals and a lot of written stuff. One day, someone close to me was reading something I wrote, and it wasn't ready to be shared with anyone. I feel so violated but that person only had a smug look on their face and never apologised. Since then, I never wrote anything.

I wonder if I will ever write again. Writing is an outlet. I have always considered that my musings and writings as proof that I exist. They proved that I am here, that I am aware and I am living my life. Since I stopped writing, it is as if I lost track of my life, things that are importabt to me and who I am. It is as if I have no opinion on anything.


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